Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rant: Fuck Bailouts.

seriously, what is wrong with the world?  that's a rhetorical question of course. 

but even accepting that the world is a deeply flawed and fallen place, the lunacy circling the globe with regard to bailouts is growing increasingly hard to rationalize in the absence of a true global conspiracy to, presumably, usher in some new world order.  enough of the fuckin' bailouts.  nobody i know wants to bailout Citibank let alone entire nations because of their stupidity/greed/avarice/pick-your-poison.  we're in real trouble when only the germans seem to understand the problems with a bailout of greece, spain, et. al.

all a bailout does is redistribute wealth at the future expense of the masses.  the masses couldn't possibly endorse this, ergo our fearless leaders -- whether they be in the US, Europe, wherever -- are acting in total rogue self-interest.  it's like a sick hybrid of socialism and capitalism combining the very worst tendencies of both.  and look, i understand the importance of maintaining some kind of industrial base in the US (GM and Chrysler) as hopelessy non-competitive as it might be, but i could care less about the financial division of GM, GMAC, and any other financial institution that has not only been the architects of our collective demise but continue to act in such a fasion.  fuck them.

all you politicians that keep pushing this bullshit:  you are on thin ice.  and i don't mean re-election thin ice.  i mean, you are seriously fucking with your safety.  that is not a threat as i do not believe in any kind of violence except for immediate physical self-defense.  but there are plenty of others out there that do.  and our govenments from the US to the EU are increasingly taking away their options.

just fucking cut it out.  seriously.

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